St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 2 continues

Next stop the Capitol. Liz made the arrangements through the Texas Congressman Ralph Hall. We had our picture made with him and two members of his staff took us on a tour.

The human bridge, Tanner.

Just had to take a picture of my favorite food, Chocolate, in it's raw form of course.

Next stop, the National Botanic Garden! All I can say is Beautiful!!! i will show you a few examples if the interent cooperates.

While at the museum, we went to the resturant to sample food from the different regions. I of course has a fry bread taco with buffalo chili. To our great surprise, a group of young adults came in and there was Travis!!. He is attending a leadership conference at the American College. I just had to have my picture taken with him.

I was a little disapponted about the amount of information on the Cherokees. The exhibit contained information about Sequoyah and had a few artifacts but not much on the Trail of Tear

Gold! Gold! So this is what the white man white man saw and decided they had to have it. The Indians were just using what they had to create their accesories.

Okay, here's the scoop. We didn't get back to the hotel last night until around 9:30 and my battery in the camera was completely dead. I had to charge it a little in order to download the pics. Then the internet wasn't being kind so I decided to wait until this morning to finish the post. Well as you can see it didn't like being put on hold so it wouldn't let me add anything to it so here we are, day 2 continued. Here is my little Indian nephew Tanner in front of a whaling boat used by the Northwest Coast Indians.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2 Washington D.C.

OK so the pictures are out of order. Here I am at the Department of Education and the one below is Liz and Tanner at the American Indian Museum.

The first day of sight seeing began this morning around 9:15. We purchased tickets for the Metro, which is the subway system for D.C. While walking to the National Mueum of the American Indian, I decide to stop in at the Department of Education. I figured they needed my input to straighten out the No Teacher Left Standing Act.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Washington D.C.

The Washington D.C. adventure began at 7:00 a.m. on June 20. With 2 Garmins and a set of written directions, Liz, Tanner, and I left Chattanooga. Nick (Nuvi) and Sally (Zumo) seemed to hit it off just fine with Nick calling out directions in a loud, forceful voice and Sally being very quite but just as bossy. We rolled along just fine until we reached Knoxville, then the honeymoon was over. Nick said to continue on I-40 and Sally wanted us to take US11. Since Sally had recently had her maps updated, we chose to follow her. Unfortunately, the road led us in a circle and Sally was dismissed in favor of the forceful Nick. A few hours later Nick decided to take a nap and was confused when he awoke. That meant only one thing, back to the written directions. We arrived right on time. We went by The American University where Travis is attending a leadership conference and then on the the Hyatt Hotel which is located directly over the Metro. Tomorrow will be a busy day so off to bed we go. Tune in tomorrow for pics of the American Indian Museum and the Capitol.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last wedding cake

I made this cake for a dear friend's 50th Wedding Anniversary .