St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Start The Car" Retirement Party

Party Time

And What are We Crying About

Our Host

Thank you to all of my friends who helped me celebrate my last 30 years and as Tim McGraw says I hope my next 30 years will be filled with those same friends.

Thank you to my brother, Bill, for coming in to support me.

Thank you Jim for being there through 30 years of weekends spent grading papers, filling out folders, averaging grades, completing report cards, and making lesson plans instead of going for a nice curvy ride on the bike. I promise the weekends now belong to you.

Wa-do Daisy for the lovely Native American feather necklace. I will cherish it always and think of you each time I wear it.

Has it really been 30 years? I have worked with some really great teachers during my career and made many great friends. The decision to retire was a difficult one to make ,but I feel that at this time it was what I needed to do for me. I will miss the day to day interaction with the students, as well as the greatest group of co-workers anyone could ever hope for. I am grateful for the opportunity to return on a part time basis to do the part of the job I love without the stress that is put upon teachers.
I have started my car now let's see where it will take me.

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