St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 2 & 3

Day 2

After yesterday's heat be got up at 5:30 and was on the road by 7:00.  The cool air didn't last long, it was short sleeves and suncreen by 9:30.  We rode for 12 hours and around 750 miles.  We ended the day north of Boston in the town of Haverhill, MA.  We had a good dinner and went straight to bed.

Day 3

Yesterday about wore us out so we slept until 6:00 this morning and had a leisure breakfast. Got on the road around 9:00 and was on the lookout for a Wal-Mart. ( I left the cable for the camara hooked up to the computer at home) Found a Target and Best Buy, no cable so a card reader will have to do. We left the interstate in Bangor, Maine and rode through the mountains. Absolutely perfect weather with a temp of 81 all day, no clouds that I could see and black tail deer everywhere.  Stopped early in Calais, ME to rest up for the remainder of the trip.  We will post pics tomorrow if we have internet.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nova Scotia

Day One

Goldwing filled with gas---check.
Trailer loaded with everything except the kitchen sink---check
Ipod with 6000 + tunes---check
Cup holders loaded with ice water---check
AC set to 70--- Not until we reach Canada!!!
We pulled out of Red Bank at 1:00 Friday afternoon with the AC setting in the mid 90's. It is funny how the AC on a motorcycle uses the same thermostat as the air. We made really good time until about 30 miles outside of Roanoke, VA. We hit road construction for about 10 miles. We started looking for a place to stop when we hit he 400 mile mark. Lexington looked promising for hotels and restaurants so we took the exit only to find out we had to go 3 miles from the freeway to the town. After unexpectedly riding through the campus of VMI (Virginia Military Institute) we finally found a place to call home for the night. Tired, hot, and hungry, we walked next door to Applebees looking forward to a nice dinner in a cool restaurant but as luck would have it, the AC was broken!! Oh well, at least we had a nice dinner.  Planning on getting out early tomorrow to beat some of the heat.  Hopefully we will have pictures in a day or so.  Check back often.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 The White House

Liz made arrangements to get tickets to the White House for the 10:30 tour. We were given a list of do's and don'ts. We were to be there about 30 minutes early with nothing but our ID and a cell phone that was turned off.  No cameras, purses backpacks' NOTHING!!!!  Because there was no place to leave our belongings, Liz insisted that Tanner and I go in while she held the backpacks.  It is a self guided tour so they allowed us to go in early.  We had barely gotten inside when two Secret Service Agents walked by with none other than the First Dog, Bo.  Tanner was so thrilled!!!!!!!  During the tour, we overheard the security guards talking about something going on but we didn't think too much about it until we got outside .  There we were met with barracades' police cars, and a multitude of other agencies.  We were to meet Liz in the park across from the White House but it had been evacuted.  Luckily we had cell phones and met in the gift shop up the street.  While there we found out that a suspicious package had been left at the Embassy across the street from the White House.  Later that morning, Liz received a call from the congressman's office saying they were sorry our tour had been cancelled and that it had been rescheduled for the next morning at 7:30 a.m.