St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nova Scotia

Day One

Goldwing filled with gas---check.
Trailer loaded with everything except the kitchen sink---check
Ipod with 6000 + tunes---check
Cup holders loaded with ice water---check
AC set to 70--- Not until we reach Canada!!!
We pulled out of Red Bank at 1:00 Friday afternoon with the AC setting in the mid 90's. It is funny how the AC on a motorcycle uses the same thermostat as the air. We made really good time until about 30 miles outside of Roanoke, VA. We hit road construction for about 10 miles. We started looking for a place to stop when we hit he 400 mile mark. Lexington looked promising for hotels and restaurants so we took the exit only to find out we had to go 3 miles from the freeway to the town. After unexpectedly riding through the campus of VMI (Virginia Military Institute) we finally found a place to call home for the night. Tired, hot, and hungry, we walked next door to Applebees looking forward to a nice dinner in a cool restaurant but as luck would have it, the AC was broken!! Oh well, at least we had a nice dinner.  Planning on getting out early tomorrow to beat some of the heat.  Hopefully we will have pictures in a day or so.  Check back often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to taking the trip with you.
