St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 7 on the road most of the day

Rode north by northwest most all day. All 2 lane but the speed limit here on 2 lane country roads is 70 or rather as fast as you can go to get out of the way it seems like. Big sky country is right, but also huge valleys, lakes, mountains, and mail boxes with a house out of sight. Gas stations are almost unheard of for very long distances. Lots more antelope and mule deer along the way and white water and trout fishing all along the way. Tomorrow we go up into the National park. They only opened the road 7-2-08, It last snowed here 6-10-08.

Camping wing


Anonymous said...

Jim & Dianne Looking good. Great pics

Bill T

Jim & Shirley Smith said...

Happy 4th. Travel safe & enjoy. Mickey from Life Care said hello. Much Love
Edutsi & Elogi

Anonymous said...

I just got back from LA. Could hardly wait to check the blog. I love the pics. Have a great time and be safe.
