St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 8 White Mts. in New Hampshire

View of Rangeley lakes on the way to the White Mts.

Coos Canyon. Can you say cold water??

 Sign posted at Coos Canyon.  This is a favorite of the local ATV club.

I'd hate to see the old one.

Fianlly a covered bridge.  This one was built in 1872.  Another person at the bridge told us that this bridge was one of the most photographed covered bridges in Maine.

Glad Daisy isn't a one room school house.

Another covered bridge, and yes, that is "covered bridge wing" you see.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 7 Rangeley, ME

Where is Rangeley, ME ??  Here's your sign.

A view of the small town of Rangeley, signs for ATV parking all over.

We stayed at the Rangeley Inn which was built in 1907.  The following pictures
show some of the original furnishings and decor.

The temperature today was a cool 64 - 66.  The morning temp is expected to be in the
low 50's  Glad I brought some warm clothes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 6 Acadia and Beals Island

Acadia Wing

Picture from the summit of Cadallic Mt.  It was a little hazy but still a beautiful day.

The temperture today went from 75 to 81 then dropped to 66. Reminded me of the
Oregan Coast. 

Everywhere you looked you saw lobster boats

or sail boats.

We weren't exactly dressed for the beach.

Islands to the left, islands to the right. 

Lobster boats mean lobster rolls.  We enjoyed fresh lobster rolls
on Beals Island.

This is the walker hound that belongs to the owner of the roadside stand on Beals Island.
She reminded us of our beagles so we just had to get a pic. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 5 Maine

For anyone who didn't know, Jim's Dad was a Captain in the Merchant Marines
so he is very interested in ships.  We spent the day at a martime museum
in Bath, Maine.  This is a picture of a wooden fishing vessel built in 1942.

The volunteers on the ship asked where we were from because they couldn't read my shirt.
I told them it was written in Cherokee so they didn't think I was a terroist anymore.

You can't get lobster any fresher than this.  We are staying in an American owned motel 7 mi. from
Acadia National Park and the owner suggested eating at his neighbor's house.  He is a lobster
fisherman during the day and he sells them at night.  We also had fresh clams.  No butter needed
for any of this.

Jim just removed the tail and really ticked off this lobster!!

Now for the lobster's revenge!!

Dessert!  Fresh Wild Maine Blueberries.  These are so sweet we can't stop eating them.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maine days 1 - 4

Left Chattanooga at 10:30 Saturday morning and rode 700 miles.
We were making great time until day 2 when we tried to go through
New York City.  FUBAR for sure.  Sorry Scott, I just couldn't handle
this on a daily basis. 

Day 3 Boston.  We started the day with "Old Ironsides"  As luck would have it
we were there the only day it was closed for tours.  We went to the museum instead
but again, as luck would have it you couldn't take pictures so this is it folks.

One if by land, two if by sea.
This is the Old North Church used to alert the arrival of the British.
The church is still used every Sunday for worship services. 

This is the type of lantern used  that night in the Old North Church. 
Some say this is the actual lantern,

Lunch at the oldest tavern in Boston.  Can you say Samuel Adams??

After lunch entertainment!  This guy is from Sydney, Australia. I hope
all Aussies aren't this crazy.  He really pushed that Squash racket all the way
down and stepped out of it. 

Day 4
We spent the day riding up the coast to Maine.  The coastline reminded me of
Oregon and Washington State.

One of Maine's many light houses. 

Maine Coast Wing