St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 6 Acadia and Beals Island

Acadia Wing

Picture from the summit of Cadallic Mt.  It was a little hazy but still a beautiful day.

The temperture today went from 75 to 81 then dropped to 66. Reminded me of the
Oregan Coast. 

Everywhere you looked you saw lobster boats

or sail boats.

We weren't exactly dressed for the beach.

Islands to the left, islands to the right. 

Lobster boats mean lobster rolls.  We enjoyed fresh lobster rolls
on Beals Island.

This is the walker hound that belongs to the owner of the roadside stand on Beals Island.
She reminded us of our beagles so we just had to get a pic. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scenery is beautiful. It's great to see where you have been each day. Still eating lobster. Wow! The dog has the right idea. Just lay back and enjoy life!