St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maine days 1 - 4

Left Chattanooga at 10:30 Saturday morning and rode 700 miles.
We were making great time until day 2 when we tried to go through
New York City.  FUBAR for sure.  Sorry Scott, I just couldn't handle
this on a daily basis. 

Day 3 Boston.  We started the day with "Old Ironsides"  As luck would have it
we were there the only day it was closed for tours.  We went to the museum instead
but again, as luck would have it you couldn't take pictures so this is it folks.

One if by land, two if by sea.
This is the Old North Church used to alert the arrival of the British.
The church is still used every Sunday for worship services. 

This is the type of lantern used  that night in the Old North Church. 
Some say this is the actual lantern,

Lunch at the oldest tavern in Boston.  Can you say Samuel Adams??

After lunch entertainment!  This guy is from Sydney, Australia. I hope
all Aussies aren't this crazy.  He really pushed that Squash racket all the way
down and stepped out of it. 

Day 4
We spent the day riding up the coast to Maine.  The coastline reminded me of
Oregon and Washington State.

One of Maine's many light houses. 

Maine Coast Wing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having great weather. I'm with you on the traffic. I'll take Soddy-Daisy traffic anyday. lol You are seeing the history we teach. Be safe!