St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shenandoah Sky Line

    Slight bypass, taking the long way home, much cooler riding, and much more fun then I-81.

Great Curvies but only at 35 mph.  Fast enough on sme of these curves.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 11

Can you say Rain Wing!!! 
All we see today is fog and haze rain has not stopped all day.  Something about Arctic fronts.  The temp is 54f and forecast is for 3 days of drenching rains, as they say here 55mm forecast for 3 days.  Enough is enough.  Time to head to the good old USA.

Nova Scotia Day 10

The Cabot trail winds up the St Lawrence Sea on the west side of Cape Breton Island across the North end is the Bay of  St Lawrence and through the Cabot Straight into the north Atlantic on the east side.

 The coast is lined with tall sharp granite cliffs. 

 Unusual display of Scare Crows real unusual...

 Kayaks here are sea yaks no white water boats here,

 The highlands are full of lakes full of moose, but today minus the moose.
 The bikers viewing will appreciate the curvies and radical roads full of switch backs and blind drop off hill tops.

 Our Whale watching trip was on a Zodiac, small and fast fun ride.

 We actually took a couple hundred pictures of these guys but good pics are hard to get.  These are some of the best.  They were swimming right next to the boat with no fear at all, no wonder they have been hunted to near extinction.   I am more a believer than ever of "Save the Whales"  absolutely magnificent mammals!
We were only a couple of miles off the coast and a pod of maybe 10 to 20 whales.  The skipper estimated the largest at probably 15+ feet. 

 A close up of the coast line on the way back, there are many caves and sharp steep granite bluffs the full coast line, no sandy beaches here.

 Above is as close to a sandy beach as there is, 75 feet long and gravel rather than sand squished between more granite.
 There every where, there every where light houses on many points.  The Canadian light houses all seem to look alike not like the ones in the states that have a different appearance at each site.

These wood floor bridges cross everywhere, kinda scary when the boards are warped up on the end.

Little bit hazey but this is as far north as can go on paved roads a community named Capstick.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 9

Day 9

This is our first experience with a true B&B. The rooms were cute and the breakfast was fantastic! First course was yogurt parfait, followed by three pieces of French Toast with a strawberry puree. This was surrounded by bacon, sliced bananas and watermelon. Yum!! The only part we didn't like was sharing a bathroom with 2 other couples. From here we headed for Cape Breaton Island, home of the Cabot Trail.

Lunch time at Eddy Point

Yes, that is a starfish.  Jim saw it while walking along the edge of the dock.

When we reached Baddeck, we went to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum.  I didn't know that he invented the first Hydrofoil. Very interesting museum.

Next stop dinner.

Seafood Chowder


Planked grilled salmon