St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 6

Day 6

We got up this morning and had freshly made croissants and blueberry muffins at the Falcourt Inn.  No rain yet so we headed for Fort Anne.  Had to get in a little military history of the area.

Fort Anne was built in 1708 by the French.  There were 18 battles and then the British flag flew with pride.  It was used during the American Revolution.

The shape and contour of the fort was really amazing.  The banks were so steep, the enemy wasn't able to climb to the top. The wooden ladders weren't provided during battle.

Powder Magazine the only original building left
This was also a powder magazine that was sometimes called the Black Hole when it was used as a prison.
Annapolis river from the fort. Control the fort control the commerce, control the province.

Left the fort and headed for Digby to see the scallop festival. Unfortunately, the festival didn't get started  until the next day. So we ate scallops and did a little window shopping instead.

Digby: Scallop capital of the world!! and YES they were fresh and
good. Even in the rain.

The whole town is fishing and scallops
High tide in the Bay of Fundy you would never know the difference from anywhere else.

40 lbs of lobster estimated at 163 years old and 3 foot long. At the restaurant prices of + or minus 20.00 lb that would be a 2800 dollar dinner. Plus beverage(s).

Time to leave the scallops behind and head for Yarmouth, and yes we were still the traveling margaritas.  We had to wait about 20 minutes for the rain to let up.  By the time we got to Yarmouth we were soaked again.  They had a guest laundry but no wi-fi or AC!!! Turns out we didn't need the AC because the temp dropped to the mid 50's.


Anonymous said...

I would love to get me some of that lobster. yummy. too bad it is rainy.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Looks like a beautiful place to visit.