St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 4

Left Calais, Maine headed for the Canadian border around 9:00 this morning. The AC was working great! a cool 63 degrees.  No trouble getting through customs so the vacation officially began.  The first thing Jim looked for was the speed limit sign.  To his delight it was 110!!!!  He set the cruise control and off we went.  Okay Mother-in-Law, start breathing again, it was 110 kilometers (68 mph).  Just had to have a little fun.  The first stop was St. John, New Brunswick
Here we are at the Visitor's Center. 

This is a view of the Bay of Fundy, home of the highest tide in the world. The St. John river is actually reverses during the high tide.

Next stop Nova Scotia!. The first trail we decided to take is called the Glooscap Trail.  It is named for the native people of this area. By this  time we were running on empty and stopped to fill up Old Red with more go juice.  Gas in Canada is between $1.21 and $1.35 per litre. Good thing we have smart phones on board because we wanted to know what that was per gallon.  Ok, I won't keep you guessing, it is $4.69 per gallon and we complain about $3.60???

Here is Jim and the Bay of Fundy Wing

These pictures show how low the tide gets.  Can't vouch for the movie above, the button turned on me without my knowledge or consent.  It just looked like a picture on the camera.  The boats can only come and go during high tide. Guess they have to be on time or they will be stranded.

Took what was listed as the coastal road to our hotel, only saw the water a few times but that was okay because it was a pretty curvie road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics. Keep them coming! Very interesting facts.
