St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 5

Not much to report today. We left the Sunshine Inn in anything but sunshine.  By the time we were packed up, it had begun to sprinkle so we put on our lime green Frog Togs and were on our way to the town of Truoro.  Jim thought we looked like two margarita's without the salt. After about 15 minutes we were able to get out of the margarita suits. 
We are still taking pictures of the low tides, it is just so amazing that the water level can change that much in a day. This was taken at about 9:30 in the morning.  
We stopped at one of the lighthouses to have a picnic lunch.  This lighthouse was at the second busiest harbor in Nova Scotia during the 50's.  They shipped gypsum and a couple of other minerals from this area.  They had big wooden blocks that the ships would dock on top of at high tide.  They would wait for low tide to load the ship and then have to wait again until high tide to float out of the harbor. 

We were at the lighthouse for about an hour.  These are before and after pictures of the same spot.  We couldn't believe how fast the tide covered the rocks.
Last picture of the day where we were dry.  After leaving the lighthouse we headed toward Digby.  We were an hour out when the sky turned black and we could see the rain coming.  We pulled over and once again became the traveling margaritas.   The rain came down in sheets and forced us to pull off at the first exit we could find.  There was a Best Western at the exit but no rooms.  The two ladies working the desk were so nice.  They gave us a hot cup of coffee and called around and found us a room about 10 km down the road.  While waiting for the rain to slack up enough to travel, they brought us a couple of scallops from their restaurant. YUM!!!


Anonymous said...

That was so nice of the ladies. You should have gotten someone to take a pic of you two in the margarita suits. Love the comparison. Hard to believe the tide rises and falls that fast. Where does it go and where does it come from? lol Maybe its from all that rain that found you.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jim. Love the picture of you holding on to your wallet