St Lawrence Sea Wing

St Lawrence Sea Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Gulf of Mexico Wing

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nova Scotia Day 8

Day 8

Arrived at the Chocolate Lake Best Western in Halifax last night. We just thought that the Mississippi River was muddy, they have a Chocolate River that flows into the Chocolate Lake and they really look like melted chocolate. No pictures because I never have time to get the camera booted up before we are out of range of the shot. 

Headed downtown to the wharf for dinner.  When we arrived we found the Buskers Festival in full swing.  What is a busker you ask?  Well I didn't know either, a busker is a street performer.  They have a 3 day festival in Halifax every year.

\This is Canada's version of Thomas the Train.  He had his own children's show explaining about the different types of boats and how a harbor works.

Friday was museum day.  First stop the Natural History museum.  Can you say high blood pressure??

We are hoping to see a moose or two on the Cabot Trail but this is as up close and personal as we want to get.

What are you looking at? 

Next stop the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

This is the lens from one of the lighthouses in the area.

And you thought you were having a bad day???

This is a Spanish coin called pieces of eight.  All of the coins on display came from sunken ships.  The companies who find the  wrecks are required to give 10% of the treasure to the country in which the wreck was found. 

This is Merlin, the museum mascot.  He can really screech!!!.  The sign says to talk to him but he isn't friendly at all.

Museums finished and it is time to get out of Halifax.  Our intention was to go just a little way out of town and find a place to stay. Needless to say, that was a mistake!!!  We rode and rode only to find nothing!.  We turned to Sally for help but all she said was go back to Halifax.  We over ruled her and kept on going. We finally found a motel only to be told there was a ball tournament in town and they had no rooms.  Next stop a B&B, again no rooms.  This was run by a German family and the lady was so sorry that she called every place down the road until she found us a room an hour away. It was a good thing she called because everyone rolls up the sidewalks and gas pumps at 8:00.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chocolate River and Chocolate Lake.....Wow! Now that sounds like my kind of my kind of waterway. Too bad it's not for real. LOL Oh by the way Jim petting a "Chocolate Moose"? hehe
